ISDS in the Digital Age (Ginsburg's Monthly Article in Forbes)

The term “investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS)” is one of the most loaded phrases in international business.

For many, it is a pejorative that symbolizes corporate greed and infringement of national sovereignty. For others, it is a catalyst of foreign direct investment (FDI) that promotes technology transfer, creates jobs in host countries and enhances the productivity of companies around the world.

Regardless of where you stand on the ISDS debate, an investor’s right to bring a cause of action against host governments that breach international agreements is an indispensable political risk management tool. ISDS clauses are an essential part of bilateral investment treaties, which are agreements between two sovereign states that protect investments in the territory of the host country.

Politics, Law, Business in the Digital Age (Ginsburg's Monthly Article in Forbes)

The global economy is marked by two major trends that collide to increase risk exposures for companies in the digital economy. First, ill prepared, undefined regulatory frameworks for innovative technological products and services expose investors to policy changes that prevent them from implementing their business model. Second, political shifts toward protectionist policies provide sovereign and sub-sovereign government officials with the political will to implement such regulations.  For these reasons, risk management in the current investment climate requires the collaboration of savvy professionals with different areas of expertise.

RBG Global’s Robert Ginsburg Writes Article on Data Analytics and International Business for Financial Times

September 2019

Every country has a unique profile of social, political economic, financial, and regulatory factors. Country-specific data analytics are widely available for companies to decide where to put their investment. Robert Ginsburg connects the dots in this article.

RBG Global’s Robert Ginsburg Writes Cover Story for Financial Times’ FDI Intelligence

April 1, 2018

Whereas a revolution comprises significant change in a government’s political landscape, technological revolutions represent the significant replacement of one technology with another. These changes are characterized by new innovations and the ways in which they are applied. Consequently, every technological revolution has an indelible effect on the way people live their lives

RBG Global's Robert Ginsburg Writes Think Tank Piece for Financial Times

These are emotional times. Since the election of president Rodrigo Duterte in the Philippines, the UK’s decision to exit the EU, the emergence of Marine La Pen in France, and the shock victory of Donald Trump in the US presidential elections, the airwaves are replete with messages about the global wave of populism.

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RBG Global's Cross Border Expert Testimony Featured on Law 360

With the increased popularity of enterprise risk management in multinational companies, executives are asking employees to redefine their roles. Robert Ginsburg, founder of RBG Global, explores how some of the most insidious cross-border risks fall through the cracks and decimate investments — and how lawyers and ERM can catch them before they manifest as losses. For access to the full article, here is a link:

RBG Global’s Expert Advice in Financial Advisor Magazine

Financial Advisor is a monthly financial services magazine which delivers market information for financial advisors. The President of RBG Global was quoted for his expert assessment of the state of the economy in Mexico and the impact of Trump Presidency on US-Mexico relations. For a look at the article and Robert's quote, please use the following link: